I'm sure many of you have suffered from PTSD by attempting to trim your cat's claws. The idea of being sliced with tiny knives and left with paper cut pains throughout your arms may frighten you while you sleep. And for those who have given up completely and declawed your cat (without a valid medical need), shame on you since you've successfully amputated your cat. That's right, declawing a cat is not merely the removal of the claws, as the term "declawing" implies, but is a series of amputations. The last bone of each of the ten front toes of a cat's paw is removed, and tendons, nerves, and muscles that enable normal function and movement of the paw are severed. An analogy in human terms would be cutting off each finger at the last joint. Declawed cats are deprived of the means to defend themselves or flee from danger. Declawed cats have been injured or killed by other animals when they could not climb out of harm's way or had impaired ability to protect themselves. I want to offer a long term solution to the bond between you and your cat while trimming their nails. Here is my personal method of trimming cats nails. If you are lucky and have the time, start trimming cat claws when they are are kittens.
Things you'll need
Cat nail trimmer (I prefer a regular human nail trimmer or the side to side cat trimmer)
Styptic Pencil or powder
A comforting lap
Your cat's favorite treats
1. First it's very important to establish a calm state of mind and a trusting bond between you and your cat. Have some tasty treats on hand and wait for the cat to approach you. Treat the cat each time you raise your hand to pet and gently caress it. When your cat is comfortable with being handled, start petting its paws and rewarding it for remaining calm. Bring the cat to your lap and continue treating the cat while you hold and gently press on the cats paws. Do this for at least the next 3 days, 3x per day for about 10 minutes.
2. When your cat is comfortable with being in your lap and handing its paws in various angles, then its time to move on to introducing the nail clipper itself. Place the clipper on the floor and allow the cat to investigate the object. When the cat approaches the clipper, treat it. Practice holding the clipper and treating the cat anytime it remains calm in the presence of the clipper. This should continue for at least 3 days along with step 1.
3. Once you have established that being handled is a good thing and that the new shinny clipper is not a threat, place the cat in your lap and hold the clipper in your hand while petting and treating the cat. Be sure to not expose the sharp edges to your cats skin. Then treat the cat each time you are able to bring the clipper and rub it gently on your cats paws while. Basically you are still rehearsing and treating the cats for remaining calm.
4. When you have reached the point where you are able to keep the cat in your lap, squeeze its

Consider it a win if you are able to just clip one nail the first day! Treat the cat immediately after, give praise, and allow your cat to continue roaming around. It's important to not rush through any of this process. Your cat will need to be acclimated to the nail trimming process. At any time that your cat is showing obvious discomfort, stop, remain calm and encouraging. It can take as long as several weeks to clip the entire set of nails but that's what you have to do in order for the cat to tolerate it and still enjoy your companionship. Other resources may say that you need two people and the cat should be muzzled or restrained. If at a hospital when the cat is already stressed, that may be the case but at home it doesn't need to be that way. With patience, praise, and the ability to read your cats state of mind, clipping cat nails can be a stress free regular routine. Also to reduce the chance of your cat scratching or biting on your hands, NEVER USE YOUR HANDS AS A CAT TOY. It may be tempting to allow your cute kitten to chase and pounce on your hands but don't do it. Doing so will teach the cat to treat the hand as something that can be battered and mauled at in adulthood. I'll post a video demonstrating these tips in the near future. In between nail trimmings be sure to offer scratching outlets such as a cardboard scratcher or my favorite a sisal post. Place them in several areas in the house that your cat likes to be in. Encourage them to use it by adding a bit of organic catnip or by running a toy along the post.
Best wishes,
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
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